


Not every people have name in “Firstname Lastname” format. Sometimes, Family name is the first name in many country!




For example, Korean people have to find Korea, republic of., South Korea, 한국, 대한민국 in that small select box.
It means we have to scroll down to K section, check there is Korea, republic of. or something.
If not, scroll down to S section, find South Korea.
If not, Scroll down to bottom and select damn translated 대한민국 or something.

Not every country have address in Street, City, State, blabla format.
But wait… It really needed to separate these input field? rly??

OK, Most of countries have zip code too. But Don’t restrict it to your format. Some country have 6 digit zip code and some other is not. The postman will handle this. Not you.

Input box


Sometimes, Web developer cast a magic into input boxes. But it’s malfunctioning when we try to insert CJK characters. IME doesn’t work like you are thinking.